Pre-Columbian period
Plurinational State of Bolivia (2010 - ...)
Famous people
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 History / Famous people
Tupac Amaru II
José Gabriel Codorcanquiqui, Tupaq Amaru II, a descendant of Tupac Amaru I (the last Inca of Peru), lead the most important anti-slavery,...
Evo Morales: President
Juan Evo Morales Ayma is the first indigenous president in the history of Bolivia. Morales led the Movement to Socialism (MAS for its name in...
José Manuel Pando Solares
José Manuel Pando Solares was born in La Paz in 1848.
He was President of Bolivia from 1899 to 1904 and commanded the second battle in...

Tomás Frías Ametller: Ex President of Bolivia
Tomás Frías was born in Potosí in December, 1804, into a wealthy family. He received an exceptional education and stood out both...
Juana Azurduy: Heroine of Independence
Juana Azurduy de Padilla was born in Chuquisaca in 1780. Her mother was of indigenous origin, and her father was Spanish, but she was orphaned at an...
Eustaquio Méndez: Military leader
Eustaquio “El Moto” Méndez was born in San Lorenzo in the Department of Tarija in 1784. He was a military commander during the war...
Marina Núñez del Prado: Bolivian sculptor
Recognized throughout the world and admired by people like Picasso and Gabriela Mistral, Marina Núñez del Prado is considered to...

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