Pre-Columbian period
Plurinational State of Bolivia (2010 - ...)
Famous people
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Tomás Frías Ametller: Ex President of Bolivia

Tomás Frías was born in Potosí in December, 1804, into a wealthy family. He received an exceptional education and stood out both academically and professionally. He held significant public assignments and was president of Bolivia twice, 1872-73 and 1874-76. He always maintained impeccable behavior and made great contributions to culture and socio-economic development in the country.  


1804: Born in Potosí

1855: Prefect of Potosí

1857-61: Ministry of the Economy

1857-61: Created the Centralized Payment Center

1857-61: Organized the national economy

1857-61: Promoted creation of Intellectual Property laws

1857-61: Promoted creation of Corporation laws

1857-61: Promoted the exploitation of quinoa

1861: Was part of the Constituent Assembly

1862: Received a significant number of votes in the general elections

1872: President Morales was assassinated

1872: Became interim president of Bolivia

1872: Called elections

1873: Ballivián became president

1873: Ministry of Education and Foreign Relations

1874: Became president when Ballivián resigned for health reasons

1876: Called elections. Thereafter accepted various diplomatic posts in different countries in Europe.

1884: Died in Florence, Italy


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