Sucre, capital of the department of Chuquisaca, is a colonial city with great historic value since the first cry of liberty was heard from its environs (May 25, 1809).
The city of Sucre is also the constitutional and historic capital of Bolivia where the Judicial branch and the Constitutional Assembly reside.
It is also known as the ciudad blanca, or white city - an accurate name - since its buildings, mostly colonial, are a brilliant white. It was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO. It has many churches and museums.

The department of Chuquisaca is famous for its handcrafts. Communities around the capital are dedicated to producing handmade fabrics (aguayo) prepared using ancestral techniques.
One NGO, called ASUR, is focused on recovering, innovating, improving and exhibiting these works of art.

It has created a museum where visitors receive detailed explanations of the techniques employed for each piece and what it means.
Tarabuco, located an hour from Sucre, is the perfect place to purchase the handcrafts (textiles) since you can obtain very high quality, low cost items at the Sunday market.
Another tourist attraction in this department is the Cordillera de los Frailes, located between Chuquisa and Potosí, a spectacular destination that offers trekking and excursions to discover the natural and cultural riches (Jalq'a) of the area.