The name of this dish comes from its main ingredient, dehydrated meat called majada withthe diminutive suffix "-ito" which is very common among Bolivian Spanish speakers.
Majadito is from Santa Cruz (department of eastern Bolivia) and is delicious and easy to fix.
- 1 kg. jerky
- 2 cups rice
- 6 cups water
- 0.5 cup oil
- 1 chopped onion
- 1 Bell pepper
- 2 tomatoes, peeled and cut in small pieces
- 3 garlic cloves, ground
- 2 tablespoons urucú (red plant from Amazonia with dying properties, like annatto)
- 3 frying bananas
- 6 eggs
- salt and pepper
- 1 green onion, the green part minced (scallions)

- Wash the jerky several times to reduce the salt.
- Boil jerky.
- Remove from water and cut into fine filets
- Add rice and cook
- Once jerky is cooked, fry in oil until brown.
- In another frying pan, fry onion, scallions, Bell pepper, tomato and annatto.
- When cooked, mix the rice, meat and vegetables.
- Fry eggs (sunny side up)
- Fry bananas
- Serve rice (with the vegetables and jerky) with a sunny-side-up egg and 2 strips of fried banana.