Carrasco National Park is located in the Department of Cochabamba in the provinces of Carrasco and Chapare. Like the neighboring Amboró National Park, Carrasco has lush vegetation, incredible waterfalls and great biodiversity. Several ecosystems converge here: humid montane forest, cloud forest, sub-Andean forests, wet high Andean grasslands, warm valleys (yungas), extremely wet rainforest, etc.
Year founded: 1988
Area: 622,600 hectares
Climate: warm at low altitudes and cold at high altitudes.
Rainfall: Can reach as much as 5000 mm

Altitude: from 280 to 4717 masl.
Hydrology: the Ivirizú, Chimoré, Ichilo, Sajta, San Mateo and Ichoa rivers are the most important ones that cross the area.
Flora: walnut trees, queñua forest, large variety of palms, giant ferns, two varieties of mahogany and cedar, 200 species of orchid, etc.
Fauna: puma, jaguar, spectacled bear, variety of monkeys, deer, capybara, anaconda, 450 species of birds, etc.
Population: Yucaré, Tukis, Aymara settlements, Quechuas and Mestizos from the High Valley.
Services: camping, hotels (Villa Tunari), restaurants, gasoline stations (Villa Tunari), car repair (Villa Tunari), hospital, clinic, forest rangers, telephone and fax service.
Access: you should enter from Villa Tunari which you can reach by bus or minibus from Cochabamba or Santa Cruz at any time of the day.
Activities: hiking, expeditions, kayaking, photo safari, fishing, zoology, biology, botany, archeology, anthropology, etc.
Places to visit: Wildlife sanctuary (rustic trail leading to 3 caves with guaracho - a cave bird - and bats), Sehuencas and the Incachaca Ruins.
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