Bolivian time zone
Time in Bolivia is UTC/GMC - 4 hours.
Time in Bolivia is - 4 hours (in winter) to - 5 hours (in summer) different from England and from + 4 to + 1 hours From the the states.
Bolivia does not use daylight saving time.
The difference in time between Bolivia and its neighbors is listed below:
- 1h
+ 1h
+ 1h
- 1h
- 2h
Western Argentina
- 1h
- 1h
Eastern Brazil
- 1h
- 3h
Western Brazil
- 1h
Punctuality in Bolivia
Bolivians usually arrive about a half hour late for appointments when meeting friends in a coffee shop or restaurant. They will arrive on average about an hour late for invitations to someone's home.
Don't forget to confirm a day in advance and reconfirm a half hour in advance.
You should arrive promptly at the airport, bus station, public offices and the movies.