Rafael Mamani is a young artisan who uses his knowledge of cutting and preparing, to create singular models of sweaters, jackets and pants, using typical materials of the region such as bayeta (textile of sheep wool, weave made in rustic machine) and aguayo.
His creations represent a syncretism between western fashion and the Andean detail of strong and shocking colors that give a youthful shade to his designs.
Manufacturing process:
Rafael designs the models and shapes them in drawings and patterns with which he prepares the garments in different sizes. He has the provision of pieces of cloth in different colors and also pieces of aguayo with different designs that he uses for the garment details.
First he marks the pattern of the garment over the cloth, then he cuts and unites it with the aguayo details that he adds to the garment.
Rafael prepares the garments in his small store located in the Illampu Street, a central tourist street in the city of La Paz.