A technique utilized by many generations of weavers has been passed on to the Luna family. In this technique, using a rustic loom and a horizontal loom, the warp and woof is mixed over and over to make the Luna family’s fine hand crafted garments.
Javier and Sandra Luna are a couple typical of Bolivian artisans. Always hardworking anddedicated to their work and their family, they passed the knowledge of their technique down through the generations. They have been married 26 years, 23 of which were dedicated to devise alpaca wool creations. “When I married Javier, my mother-in-law had already taught him this artisan trade, so my husband taught it to me,” says Sandra, as she remembers the first years of their marriage where she didn’t have much experience, but lots of desire to work.
Ever since she learned the trade, Doña Sandra was sure that this was what she was born to do. At first Sandra and Javier only made alpaca wool scarves. Doña Sandra remembers the first day she finished five scarves. Later she began to expand to larger garments such as mantillas, and soon her imagination extended to creating and designing exclusive garments.

Sandra Luna is very proud of her six children. Two are married, some are still in school, but they all learned to make a garment on the rustic loom at some point in their lives. So their trade and the workshop had to grow to almost 20 rustic looms where the colors and design come and go, entwined with the able fingers of their operators.
The Luna family has grown not only by the arrival of the children, but all the operators in the workshop have taken the Luna family workshop in other directions with their art and the ability of their hands. “The artisans we had before have now left to open their own workshops,” says Doña Sandra.

The desire of the Lunas to enlarge their workshop and teach their trade to more artisans so that everyone can have a promising future grows daily. “This year I would like to have more orders so that I can hire more workers,” says Doña Sandra. She’s already getting the necessary space ready to expand the workshop in her own home.
The couple was ready to work around the clock if necessary to create the best quality alpaca wool products to meet the most exacting tastes. Through great effort and the couple’s quality and dedication they have been able to export their products to other countries.
Get to know Javier and Sandra’s products. Not only they will surprise you with their fine finishing, you can also appreciate the quality of the raw materials, and above all the dedication applied to the creation of the garments.