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 La Paz / Do not miss
 Waterfalls and Supay Punku
A weekend in the Yungas. Visit the waterfall of the Rio Cajón on the road to Caranavi, the village of Suapi and the beautiful ride of the...
Welcome to La Paz!
We offer a panoramic view of the diversity offered by the Department of La Paz in this section. If you want more information, click here to see...
Titicaca lake, a jewellery of Bolivia
Lake Titicaca is located on the frontier between Bolivia and Peru. The Bolivian side of the lake is 3 hours from the city of La Paz, the Bolivia seat...
Aymara New Year
Bolivia is well-known for its multiculturalism and authenticity. After all, 55% of the Bolivian population is indigenous and autochthonous. In 2010...
Alasitas, Ekeko’s miniature world
The Alasitas festival is a tradition in the city of La Paz that goes back to ancient Aymara traditions which became religious practices after the...

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